Friday, October 30, 2009
Black Butte Ranch Blog has moved
See ya around the Ranch!
Friday, October 9, 2009
There is a Place - With Heroes
A fine example of that statement is Ruth Davis who has been with the Ranch for 10 years, and is the Grounds Maintenance Supervisor and Winter Home Inspector. Today, Ruth is a hero!
In the course of simply doing her daily duties Ruth was in the lodge area when she noticed what looked like smoke or possibly steam coming from one of the Lodge condos. As a trained firefighter (she was the Captain of the Crooked River Ranch Rural Fire Protection Dept and a Paramedic for seven years) Ruth made a mental note of it. About 10 minutes later she glanced over in the vicinity of the condo once again and was surprised to see the same stream of smoke rising in the air.
She called her co-worker Bob (who coincidentally is her husband and was once Chief of Police for Crooked River Ranch). After a quick conversation she suggested that they both go over to the condo and check it out . When they arrived they were surprised to see fireplace ashes that had been dumped in a paper bag and left on the wooden deck. The ash had been smoldering overnight and burned through a small portion of the deck. Ruth knocked on the door of the condo to see if anyone was there, but received no answer. Bob, on the other hand, having been a police officer tried again with a more "forceful" knock ( he used a piece of wood to bang on the door). Amazingly enough, the occupants were awakened and alerted to the smoldering fire. Bob then proceeded to dump water on the area, while the Black Butte Ranch Fire Department was called and arrived on the scene to finish the job.
Thanks to the keen eye, sharp instinct and quick action by Ruth a disaster was averted and the condo was left with only minor damage. Thanks Ruth!
See ya around the Ranch,
Thursday, October 8, 2009
BBR Guests Participate in Nat'l Forest Foundation

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sisters in Sisters

During the weekend participants can choose from a plethora of fun workshops such as "Bellydancing for Beginners, "Confidence and Meditation", "Wine Tasting", and "Living in Enthusiasm." Each night there is a "mix-n-mingle"

Black Butte Ranch's long-time Senior Day Auditor (who's retiring in December) Virginia West and her daughter Kim had a great time (see photo to left - courtesy of Sharon Dilley).
Next year make plans to grab your mom, sister, niece or friend and plan on joining in the fun (oh and if you need a place to stay just give us a call).
See ya around the Ranch!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Firefighters Say Thanks

This morning I came across a very touching letter written by the visiting firefighters (some of whom were from Black Butte Ranch Fire Department) to the residents of Ashland and Medford. I have never seen a letter like this come from the firefighters themselves. I am extremely proud of how our firefighters have represented Black Butte Ranch. Way to go guys!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Green Tip of the Day - 5 Creative Ways to Reuse Plastic Bags

I came across this article in Wend Magazine. I love finding information like this. It gives five creative ways to reuse those gross plastic bags you get when you forget your reusable bags at home :(). There is a video that shows how to make a messenger bag, instructions on how to make a beautiful flower for your sweetheart, even a dress! Let's help keep the earth green and make those pesky plastic bags useful.
See Ya around the Ranch!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Ben Crane visits Black Butte Ranch

Ben Crane recently visited the Ranch with his family and according to his thank you card to director of golf, Jeff Fought, had a great time. He wrote, "What a treat to come spend a week with you guys at the Ranch." Jeff says that Crane (a Portland, Oregon native and alum of U of O), and his family visit the Ranch often and enjoy their anonymity while they are here. Black Butte Ranch is still one of the few places where "celebs" can actually getaway and enjoy some down time without all the fanfare.

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Plan a Fall Foliage Trip
There's no need to travel all the way to Vermont to see incredible fall foliage. There are many amazing areas here in Oregon for viewing the beautiful autumnal hues of red, orange and gold. There is even a web-blog called Oregon Fall Foliage where you can get information about the best areas in Oregon for viewing the changing colors. You can also call the Fall Foliage Hotline at 800.547.5445. If you really want to get your fill of fall you need to come to the Ranch. As you drive in along Hawks Beard you'll pass through a grove of Aspens that is absolutely stunning. There is one section of Hawks Beard where you are completely engulfed by aspens on both sides of the road and if you're there during the afternoon you will experience the "glow" from the fluttering, golden leaves. If

Autumn is also a great time to get in some hiking. Near the Ranch is the short but steep trail up Black Butte(see blog post dated August 27, 2009), or you can follow the Proxy Falls Loop Trail just off Highway 242 where patches of red and orange vine maple decorate the lava fields along the trail. Also, while staying at the Ranch, another "must do" hike that is particularly great for families, is along the Metolius river (Camp Sherman - Wizard Falls Hike). This is quite special during autumn. Check out our "What's Happening at the Ranch" guide for a complete listing of guided hikes that take off from the Ranch, including the Wizard Falls hike.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Black Butte Trail Open!

Hurray! The trail up to the summit of Black Butte is finally open. It is one of my favorite early morning hikes and I really missed it this summer. If you have never hiked it you're missing a spectacular hike. It's listed as moderate to difficult mostly because you achieve an elevation gain of 1,600 feet in approximately 1.9 miles (that's the trail one way). It is well worth the effort. As you wind your way up the trail you will go through some of the area burned recently by the Black Butte II Fire. At the top you can see two of the Three Sisters, Mt. Washington, Mt. Jefferson and on a incredibly clear day you can even see Mt. Hood! There was a great article in the Bend Bulletin this morning, written by David Jasper called "Keeping a positive altitude". It's a fun read and gives a pretty accurate portrayal of what the hike is like. So If you're looking for something to do this Labor Day weekend, book a room at Black Butte Ranch, have a hearty breakfast and hike up Black Butte.
See ya around the Ranch!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Pigeon Seeks Black Butte Ranch Lodging

Boy, I tell you, everybody and their pigeon wants to come to Black Butte Ranch. Here's a story that will amaze you. About a week or so ago, Jack Rosicky (Country House Condos) noticed a pigeon wandering around. When he gets a closer look he realizes it has a band around its leg. He is prompted to call Bob Davis of Ranch maintenance and Bob (who experienced a similar event several years ago with a Red Tailed hawk- see picture at right) suggested it may be a "racing" pigeon. He then advised Jack to go to a website for racing pigeons and input the coding from the band to locate the owner (unfortunately we don't have pictures of Jack chasing the bird so he can read the coding on the band).

Before doing that Jack could tell the wayward bird was exhausted and he provided water and then went into town and got wild bird feed to make his guest as comfortable as possible while he searched for the owner. Thanks to Jack's diligence he was able to locate the owner and contact them. Unfortunately the owner wasn't able to come right away because he had some health issues he was dealing with. So, Jack built a makeshift cage for his boarder while they waited for his owner to come. Well, I guess Jack did a heck of a job making this little bird comfy because he stuck around for six days, until Jack was finally able to get him to another "birder" who offered to care for the bird while his owner was recuperating. Thanks Jack for providing an excellent Black Butte Ranch experience for our feathered friend!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Looking for Original BBR Advertising Collateral

Calling all you historiographers (a.k.a pack rats) - In preparation for marketing campaigns next year (our 40th anniversary), we are looking for copies of the original Black Butte Ranch offering poster. In an excerpt from the book There is a Place by Peggy Lucas it states, "Bill Smith's 1969 marketing survey convinced Mike Hollern, Bob Harrison and the Brooks Scanlon board of directors that Oregonians would indeed support another resort east of the mountains. A board member suggested that an ad in Sunset magazine or the west coast edition of the Wall Street Journal might be the best way to announce the development to Oregonians, but Smith, Harrison and Hollern thought quite differently. They believed that a low keyed approach to the 29,000 Oregon families with sufficient annual income would be preferable." It then goes on to say,"Joe Erceg was commissioned to design a poster with a beautiful colored photograph of the proposed resort area with a banner line which read 'There is a Place,' and at the bottom in smaller type the name of the resort. This poster was rolled up, placed in a mailing tube and sent to the names on their list at an individual cost of $1.25."
We will treat your items with kid gloves and will either scan or photograph them - so no harm will come to them. If you have what we are looking for please contact me at
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Photography in the Aspens
Autumn's most popular photography workshop, Photography in the Aspens, is scheduled for October 2, 3, 4, 2009. This is an intensive program with personalized instruction from renowned northwest professional photographer Rick Schafer. Rick has been building his incredible portfolio for the last 20 years, a craft he learned from his stepfather, award winning landscape photographer and Photographic Hall of Fame member Ray Atkeson.
Sounds like an incredible workshop. Registration is limited to keep class size small - so sign up early!
See ya around the Ranch!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Great Benefit Ride - Providence Bridge Pedal

It is an amazing ride through many different areas of Portland. The route takes you through industrial areas, idyllic neighborhoods, the University of Portland and as you cross several of the bridges (yes, they do close the freeway- how cool is that!) there is the opportunity to take photos and drink in the vistas.
I hope that someday you may get to ride it. Not only is it fun for adults, but it is a great ride for families (especially the 6-Bridge Ride, very easy). But as always it is great to get back to Central Oregon.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Stringdusters Receive IBMA Nominations

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Portland Family Adventures Recommends Black Butte Ranch!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Gallery at the Lodge

This piece is called "Through the Sky" and it is a large piece measuring 56" x 84", but surely one you must see in person. We had an artist reception for Kentree on Sunday and what a gentle spirit this man has. He is quite a prolific artist and has had over 30 exhibitions in Oregon alone. His work is all oil on canvas and according to his Artist's Statement he says, "My paintings emerge from chaos and evolve into abstract landscapes. I try to create something from nothing or something from everything." He is an experienced mountaineer and has travelled the world, all of which you will see in his art. I would swear that is Mount Hood in the upper right corner of "Through the Sky", but I guess that's what makes art art. It's all in the eye of the beholder. Kentree's exhibit will be here through September so be sure and stop by the Lodge and visit.
See ya around the Ranch!
Cycling in Central Oregon

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
It's Hotter than a Cat on a Hot Tin Roof!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Launch of Online "Lodge Area Task Force Discussion Board"
New Director of Sales and Marketing
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
If You Weren't Here You Missed It!

This was an amazing concert in a place with unmatched views and ambiance. The Lakeside Lawn provided incredible "ampitheater like" acoustics; the weather was perfect and the audience was delightful. It took many volunteers to pull it off, but in the end it was masterfully put together and everyone had a great time.
I cant' wait for the next concert in the"Live at the Ranch" series. I'll keep you all posted when we come

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that even little Mary Elizabeth made an appearance. She's a cutie!
I also had my trusty sidekick - Ms. Emma Huntsman up on stage with me to thank everyone for coming and making our inaugural concert a booming success.

The Americana Kids received $3000 in donations from the concert-goers which made all the effort worth it. They are very appreciative of everyone's generosity.
See ya around the Ranch!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Black Butte II Fire Is Contained
One of the BBR staff recently compiled a historical listing of fires that have been near or around the Ranch since the year 2000. There have been five major forest fires, and out of those only one came close enough to destroy property. The loss of our beautiful forests is a sad occurance, but can also be of benefit to forest regeneration. I recently went for a hike up Black Crater and amidst the devastation caused by the 2006 Black Crater Fire the ground of the forest was filled with lush western ferns and a multitude of ponderosa seedlings. The circle of life continues on.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Ranch News Update
Secondly, the other piece of big news is that we have a new Director of Sales and Marketing due to start around July 23. Charles Kingsbaker brings over 10 years of resort and golf experience, most recently with Troon Golf, where he served as regional sales and marketing director, overseeing strategic resort, real estate and golf sales and marketing initiatives for various Troon Golf managed properties. We are very excited to have someone of Charles' caliber working to promote and improve the Ranch. Welcome Charles!
Well that's it for now.
Tour Des Chutes Ride is Saturday
Friday, July 10, 2009
Don't Forget the Infamous Stringdusters July 17
Quilt Show !
I understand that the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show organizers are expecting record-breaking attendance at this year's show. Well at least it isn't going to be 90 degrees, and it doesn't appear that any remaining smoke from the smoldering Black Butte II fire is going to drift into town, whew! I also read that if you bring your own bottle of water you can get free refills all over town.
Quilt on Sisters! Article on CO Golf
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Fire Season Begins
The firefighters are working tirelessly to contain the fire and from where I sit ( my office window looks directly out at the butte) they are doing a great job! We should be able to enjoy the trail again soon. As for the Ranch nothing here is threatened and we are operating as normal.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The Infamous StringDusters Are Coming
Monday, June 29, 2009
It's a glorious day
All the swimming pools are open and it is such fun to watch all the families and their kids creating summertime memories. I have heard many stories from people who came here as a kid in the early seventies and now they are bringing their children and grandkids here. How cool is that!These stories are behind our latest promotion "Relive Your Best Summer Ever".
I would love to hear more stories about your memories of the Ranch. You can email me at