Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sisters in Sisters

Last weekend our CFO, Sharon Dilley attended the Sisters in Sisters event. Black Butte Ranch has been a consistent sponsor of this special event for years. We participate each year by decorating a table with goodies from BBR (see photo above - courtesy of Sharon Dilley). Black Butte Ranch Spa donated many items to go along with this year's theme of "Sweet, Stress-free Me."

During the weekend participants can choose from a plethora of fun workshops such as "Bellydancing for Beginners, "Confidence and Meditation", "Wine Tasting", and "Living in Enthusiasm." Each night there is a "mix-n-mingle" cocktail hour and then a dinner with entertainment, ending on Sunday with a buffet brunch and a closing speaker.

Black Butte Ranch's long-time Senior Day Auditor (who's retiring in December) Virginia West and her daughter Kim had a great time (see photo to left - courtesy of Sharon Dilley).

Next year make plans to grab your mom, sister, niece or friend and plan on joining in the fun (oh and if you need a place to stay just give us a call).

See ya around the Ranch!



  1. Hey...thanks for stoppin' by my blog today! Glad you enjoyed reading it.

    Before we moved here, we lived at Crooked River Ranch for 4 1/2 years. It just got too crowded and we took a great leap of faith and moved to Princeton...not one regret...we love it!

    Happy Trails~~

  2. Dear gtyyup - If you ever make it back over here would love to visit with you. :)

    Take care,

