Hurray! The trail up to the summit of Black Butte is finally open. It is one of my favorite early morning hikes and I really missed it this summer. If you have never hiked it you're missing a spectacular hike. It's listed as moderate to difficult mostly because you achieve an elevation gain of 1,600 feet in approximately 1.9 miles (that's the trail one way). It is well worth the effort. As you wind your way up the trail you will go through some of the area burned recently by the Black Butte II Fire. At the top you can see two of the Three Sisters, Mt. Washington, Mt. Jefferson and on a incredibly clear day you can even see Mt. Hood! There was a great article in the Bend Bulletin this morning, written by David Jasper called "Keeping a positive altitude". It's a fun read and gives a pretty accurate portrayal of what the hike is like. So If you're looking for something to do this Labor Day weekend, book a room at Black Butte Ranch, have a hearty breakfast and hike up Black Butte.
See ya around the Ranch!