Whew, now that we understand all of that, the question is how do you stay cool? Black Butte
Ranch has so much to offer during these hottest days. You and your family (two adults and two kids) can golf after 4pm every day at Glaze Meadow Golf Course for only $60! That's a cool deal. You could also spend your day chillin' at the Glaze Meadow Recreation Center pool. The Kids will have a blast in the spray playground(see below) doesn't that look like fun? There's also a great snack shop, where you can buy sandwiches and drinks (pop, water, etc.) and enjoy the cool water.
And just in time for the "Dog Days" you can get 20% your bike rental at Glaze Meadow Rental Shop Monday - Thursday. If you haven't been on the bike paths here at the Ranch, you haven't yet experienced one of the greatest ways to see the flora and fauna here. There are 18 miles of paths (mostly in the shade) that are easy for most levels of cycling (even the wee ones). Come and cool down with us http://www.blackbutteranch.com/.
See ya around the Ranch!